Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Gossau, Switzerland - Monday September 28, 2015

Gail, enjoying the local animals
Today we woke up a bit later than usual, catching up on some well-needed sleep.  After another great breakfast we were all off for a mid day hike about ½ hour from Gossau, to the Waldegg, Teufen  and Schäflisegg, Teufen area of Switzerland. We walked through the forest and hills of the area for a few hours admiring the beautiful Swiss countryside. Many cows and goats roamed the hills along with us, which made our walk even more pleasant.  After our hike we returned to the Giger’s home in Gossau for some coffee and snacks.  Relaxing a bit, we played some board games prior to and after dinner.  Today, Eliane made some homemade Spaetzle and veal for dinner.   As usual, it was a very tasty and delicious dinner.  It was another fun day with some good hiking exercise in the Swiss fresh air.

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