Monday, September 28, 2015

Gossau, Switzerland - Sunday September 27, 2015

This morning we were off for a train ride to Germany and then a boat ride on an extension of Lake Constance.  We got on the train in Gossau and after approximately one hour arrived in Konstanz, Germany.  Konstanz is located at the western end of Lake Constance in the south-west corner of Germany, bordering Switzerland.  After arriving in Konstanz, we walked around the city for awhile and then sat outside for a nice lunch at a small cafĂ©.  After lunch & bier, we boarded a  boat for a two hour ride up the Untersee and Rhine River, which connect to Lake Constance (Bodensee).  The weather was very cooperative; the sun was shining, but a chill was in the air from the wind.  The ride up the river was very scenic, with Germany on the north and Switzerland on the south.  We stopped in many small towns along the way in both the Germany and Switzerland as we headed to our destination of Stein am Rhein.  Along the way we saw many people in smaller boats out for the day, as well as those wind surfing and kite surfing.  On board we enjoyed some coffee to warm up a bit ..........  since the boat traveled to Germany and Switzerland, both Swiss Francs and Euros were accepted as payment for drinks and food.  Once we arrived in Stein am Rhein we walked around the town and then took a train back to Gossau. It was a very picturesque ride on the train that "hugged" the coast of Lake Constance.   The entire day was great, as we took a train ride through scenic Switzerland, visited Konstanz in Germany, had an enjoyable lunch and took a scenic boat ride up to the lower segment of the Rhine River.  This is what travel is all about .......... seeing & experiencing new places, encountering other cultures and eating diversified foods. Once arriving back in Gossau, Eliane made another wonderful dinner before we relaxed for awhile and then headed to bed.

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