Sunday, October 18, 2015

Bruges, Belgium - Saturday October 17, 2015

Cutting up our lunch!
We knew that today was going to be a slow more relaxing day.  After breakfast we were off to the Saturday market.  As I noted a few days ago about going to the Wednesday market, where all kinds of food and flowers are sold, there is also a Saturday market in a much larger location.  We arrived at the market place by about 11 AM.  This market was much larger than the Wednesday market.  There were many vendors selling all kinds of clothing and tapestries in addition to the large number of vendors selling all the varieties of food.  It was interesting to even see some vendors selling live animals, that were obviously sold for the purpose of ending up on someone’s dinner plate.  We purchased some excellent macaroons and then some lunch.  For lunch we bought a rack of ribs and roast potatoes.  The ribs were cut up for us and we eventually found a bench to sit on to enjoy our purchase.  The ribs were very delicious as were the potatoes.  We actually thoroughly enjoy walking around the markets of Europe and seeing all the foods and other items for sale.  It definitely gives a “flavor” of the country’s culture.  In many cases we enjoy the markets of Europe more than some of the museums.  The market here in Bruges was great, but not quite up to what we have seen at the Boqueria in Barcelona, Spain.   The Barcelona market is probably the best market place in Europe.  After taking in all of the sites and sounds of the market today, we walked around Bruges a bit more and stopped off into the old town hall and then The Church of Our Lady.  The Church of Our Lady in Bruges, houses one of Michelangelo's famous marble sculptures, Madonna and Child.  After some rest at the hotel and a bit more walking, we found a great little Italian restaurant for dinner.  As usual, we started off with some great Belgian beer, Leffe, before dinner.  By 8:30 PM we were back at the hotel to organize our luggage, as tomorrow morning we head to our airport hotel for an overnight stay, as our flight to Rome is 10:15 AM Monday morning. 

Madonna and Child by Michelangelo

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