Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Rome, Italy - Tuesday October 20, 2015

This morning we were up early in order to get into the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican for our 11 AM reservation time.  Since we were not really sure where we were going we left the hotel at 9 AM.  We found out which bus we needed, and were on our way.  We arrived at the Vatican by about 9:45 AM and found out exactly where we needed to go.  I had purchased our tickets online back in August and it was hard to believe that the day had finally come.  Once we arrived at the Vatican and museum entrance, we were totally overwhelmed by the thousands and thousands of people and tour groups.  The entire scene here was totally insane.  I have not seen this many people in one place since I was at the Woodstock concert in 1969.  The scene in Woodstock, I thoroughly enjoyed, but this was not fun. There were masses of people everywhere following tour guides with the upheld umbrellas and anything else they could hold in the air so their “clients” could follow them.  The general line to get tickets for the Sistine Chapel and Vatican museums had to be at least 1/4 mile long.  Luckily we had our reservation, so we were able to get onto the “online reserve” line.  Once we were indoors, it did not make a difference.  We could barely move as the entire museum was totally packed with people speaking many languages, pushing baby strollers, in wheel chairs, etc.  The entire place was an insane sardine can.  I can honestly say I could not wait to get out of here.  The various exhibits were overwhelming in number and we finally arrived at the Sistine Chapel.  We looked around briefly and then headed for the exit.  I must say, if I had known the crowds were going to be like this, we would have never come here.  The tour groups and crowds made the entire experience exasperating.  The paintings were actually magnificent, but we really could not thoroughly enjoy them with all the pushing & shoving.  Once we got outside the museum and walked toward the entrance to the Vatican, the line to get in there was at least as long as the line for the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel.  Nothing that I can think of would be worth waiting on a line like this for.  I can only imagine what this place is like in the summer.  I surely would not want to find out.  We departed the Vatican area and walked toward the PiazzaNavona.  This area was quite crowded as well.  We walked around the area, took some photos and then were off to the Spanish Steps. As was the case yesterday at Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps was closed off for reconstruction.  How disappointing ………we have not been to Rome in 35 years and so far two of the major sites were closed off going through reconstruction.  After returning to our room for some rest, by 6 PM were headed over to the Trastevere district of Rome.  This area of Rome is noted for nightlife and many restaurants.  We found a small restaurant where we had a nice meal of caprese salad, pasta with bolognese sauce and wine. Once we completed dinner we walked around this area a bit and then took the bus back to our B&B.

1 comment:

  1. wow - another disappointment. Sorry to hear this. I hope the trip to Italy gets better before you head home on the ship.
