Friday, October 9, 2015

Strasbourg, France - Thursday October 8, 2015

This morning we packed up and were on our way to Strasbourg, France.  The quickest way from Mittelwihr was by highway, but that is never an option for us.  We took the Alsace wine route north through many small towns, stopping along the way to take a photo and enjoy the scenery.  As we have seen in this area for the past few days, many of the homes and buildings are of the half-timbered type style and very attractive with flowers hanging below many windows.  Along the way we stopped into a farm standard to browse and picked up a few very delicious gala apples.  By about 1 PM we arrived in Strasbourg and easily found the hotel ……… our European Garmin GPS is extremely helpful and makes traveling anywhere in Europe so much easier.  At the hotel we were informed that we had to wait until 3 PM to check in, so we walked around the old part of town for a while, browsing into so many of the interesting shops.  After checking into the hotel after 3 PM, we took a boat ride around Strasbourg that included passing by the European Parliament building. The city of Strasbourg is the official seat of the European Parliament.  Once we completed the boat ride, we relaxed in the hotel room a bit before heading out to a nice French restaurant that was highly recommended by one of the staff at our hotel.  The food was very delicious, as was the Riesling wine.  By 10 PM we were back at our room and off to bed.

European Parliament in Strasbourg

1 comment:

  1. Is there some story behind the 'statues' made from gourds? Photos were interesting as well as pretty. :-)
