Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Brussels, Belgium - Monday October 12, 2015

Grand Place, Brussels
We got up this morning and headed out to get some breakfast since it was not included with this hotel.  It appears that most of the hotels in the major cities do not include breakfast.  They charge approximately 15 Euros additional per person, which to us seems a bit high.  Right near the hotel we were able to get coffee, croissants and cheese for about five Euros total.  After our breakfast we went to the train station to pick up our tickets for Wednesday’s ride to Bruges.  It appears that almost everyone in Brussels speaks English; so getting information and train tickets was no issue.  Next we just walked around a bit, looking in stores, restaurants, etc. to see what Brussels had to offer.  A Belgian waffle with  bananas, strawberries & whipped cream &  chocolate was an early afternoon snack. We  found that most items in the stores are actually a  lot less expensive in the U.S. Gail and I have been to Europe many times, going back to 1967, and it is amazing how prices have sky rocketed over the past 40+ years.  I think that much of the increase in cost in Europe commenced with the advent of the EU and the Euro in 2000.  Aside from prices, there is really nothing unique to purchase here anymore.  After doing a lot of browsing in the stores, we stopped off for a few of my favorite Belgian beers on tap; Hoegaarden & Leffe.  On the way back to the hotel for a bit of rest, we passed by Manneken Pis and today he was dressed as a janitor, and had a broom & bucket to match.  After a bit of rest at the hotel we headed out for a walk in the area prior to dinner.  The temperature here in Brussels is definitely dropping, the low 40s, and it was somewhat cold walking around.  By 7:30 PM we sat down for dinner at Chez Leon.  Chez Leon is an infamous restaurant in Brussels, mostly known for their mussels.  I had eaten here in 2011 and looked forward to a return visit.  Gail had the mussels provencal and I had a huge bucket of steamed mussels, along with salad and bread.  Another great dinner. We stopped off for some renowned Neuhaus chocolate on the way back to the hotel.  Another fun day of sights and great food.  We both love traveling in Europe and walking around Brussels just reinforces this.

Manneken Pis 

Selection of Belgian Waffles

Selection of cheeses in cheese store

Mussel Dinner at Chez Leon

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