Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Brussels, Belgium - Tuesday October 13, 2015

This morning after breakfast we began a walk around some other parts of Brussels, not directly near the hotel.  But, it was bitter cold today and there was no sun and total overcast.  We did venture out for a while, explored some interesting areas, but due to the cold weather we headed back to the hotel to warm up.  After a bit of warming, we were off again to the central part of Brussels near the Grand Place and Manneken Pis.  When we arrived at Manneken Pis, it appeared that they were preparing the little boy for some type of ceremony.  The immediate area around him was roped off, a worker was dressing him and hooking up some hoses and what appeared to be some dignitaries were near the statue.  What we soon found out was that a minister of Hong Kong was here, the statue was dressed in some Hong Kong colors of clothing and some speeches were forthcoming.  Soon, there was a small band playing music, a few speeches were made and then Manneken Pis was actually pissing beer…….. he was hooked up to a small keg of beer.  A few of the workers were filling up cups of beer and giving them out, first to the Chinese delegation and then to the crowds watching the ceremony.  It was rather fun watching the whole event and Gail and I even had a cold beer, directly from Manneken Pis.  Being among a large crowd kept us somewhat warm at this point.  After the event, Gail and I picked up some lunch and returned to the hotel for a good portion of the afternoon to stay warm.  We eventually wandered out again and found ourselves back at Chez Leon for dinner.  Since we really enjoyed the mussels last night, and were not ready to explore in the cold weather to find another restaurant, we settled in at Chez Leon.  The salad, mussels, fries, bread, beer and wine were excellent.  Once we completed dinner we immediately went back to hotel to get out of the cold.  We expected weather in the Brussels area to be about 50 degrees, but for most of the day the temperature was in the mid to high 30s.  Tomorrow we leave Brussels to spend the next four days in Bruges, Belgium, one of my favorite stops on my 2011 trip.  Bruges has great museums as well as great food and chocolate.

Manneken Pis, pissing beer!
Our dinners tonight ..... superb!
Grand Place after dinner

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your gastronomic travels with relish [pun intended] :-)
