Monday, October 19, 2015

Diegem, Belgium - Sunday October 18, 2015

This morning we had our breakfast and made arrangements for a taxi to take us to the Bruge train station.  We boarded an 11:57 AM train out of Bruges, which arrived in Brussels about an hour later.  The ride was very smooth, quiet and relaxing as we rolled through the Belgium countryside. We changed trains in Brussels Midi station to get the train to the airport.  We arrived at the airport by about 2:15 PM and looked for the shuttle to our hotel.  We found out the shuttle was not running today, so I called the hotel and they sent a taxi, complimentary, to pick us up and take us to the hotel.  After checking in at the hotel we walked into the local town, Diegem.  Diegem is a very small town near the airport with very few stores.  We assume the airport must support the economy in this town, which is only about one or two miles away.  In Diegem we found a small pub that was open and went in for a few more Leffe beers before we leave Belgium.  There were a lot of locals in the pub, drinking and watching a soccer game on TV.  After about an hour we returned to the hotel for some dinner.  Once we finished dinner we reorganized our bags one more time to be sure we were “travel ready” for the airline.  This task is always a pain, dealing with weight restrictions and the "3 ounce rule"  We were off to bed early for an early rise in the AM to board the 10:15 AM flight to Rome.

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