Thursday, October 8, 2015

Mittelwihr, France - Tuesday October 6, 2015

This morning we woke up to very cloudy skies.  We had our breakfast and were on the road by about 10 AM.  Our itinerary for the day was to head a bit north along the wine route to some more small towns and villages.  Our first stop was the town of Hunnawihr where by 10:30 AM we had a bit of wine tasting.  After a few Reislings, we decided to purchase a bottle for later consumption.  The next stop was the town of Ribeaville, where I had been in 2011.  We walked around this town for about a half an hour before the weather got worse and it began to drizzle.  After getting back to the car we were off to the town of Bergheim, but unfortunately it began to rain a bit harder so we decided not to walk to do any sight seeing here.  It was suggested to us to visit a castle at Haut Koenisbourg, so we set that as the destination on the GPS.  Unfortunately the rain began to come down a lot harder, but we continued to the castle with the hope that the rain would subside.  The rain continued, and got worse, so we headed back to our B&B for a while, hoping the rain would eventually stop.  By 4 PM the rain subsided so we headed to the city of Colmar to check it out and have some dinner.  It was not raining, but the air was still damp.  We walked around Colmar and settled into a small French restaurant for dinner.  By 8:30 PM we were on our way back to Mittelwihr for the night.  We enjoyed what we saw today, but the rain sure put a damper on our ability to see more of the small towns and take photos along the Alsace wine region of France.


  1. Too bad, but it was still beautiful to see the homes and rolling hills. Very lovely.

  2. Glad the car is up and running again. Funny thing about hoses and wires in cars; my Verizon guy told me the communication boxes with their wires are often nibbled on by squirrels b/c the casings are made from biodegradable potato starches these days and are TASTY! [perhaps that's what happened to the car - or not, bummer for the animal who ate the rubber -Ick!]
