Monday, October 12, 2015

Swisttal, Germany - Saturday October 10, 2015

Taken from Drachenfels (Rhine River)
This morning after a great breakfast, Robert, Gail and myself were off towards Bonn.  We stopped of in Konigswinter to take the Drachenfelsbahn (cog railway) to the top of the Drachenfels, which is a very high overlook over the Rhine River and the city of Bonn.  We had a great view from the top, but the weather was a bit hazy and overcast.  On the way down we stopped off to visit the Schloss Drachenburg, an historic castle built in the late 1800s, which overlooks the Rhine River.  Next we were on our way to the city of Bonn, the former capital of West Germany.  Once East & West Germany united in 1990 the capital was moved to Berlin.  We walked around Bonn for a while, stopping for a bier along the way.  The city was extremely crowded with many diverse people, speaking many languages.  After a stop to see the outside of Beethoven’s birthplace, we headed back to Swisttal to Robert’s home.  Robert’s son and girlfriend came by to say hello, which was nice.  He currently lives about 3 hours away in Frankfurt.  Brigitte and Robert prepared a nice BBQ dinner, which everyone enjoyed. After a lot of chatting, bier and wine, it was time for bed.  We did enjoy about an hour of a board game before bed.  It was another fun day as Gail and I got to spend some time with old friends.  Getting to see foreign countries with the people who live there, gives a greater opportunity to really see the culture and see how people live. Again, a great inspiration.

Schloss Drachenburg

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