Monday, October 5, 2015

Gossau, Switzerland - Saturday October 3, 2015

Chocolate aisle in supermarket
 This morning we woke up to another excellent breakfast at the Giger home.  Eliane had gone out to the bakery and brought back a variety of fresh croissants, rolls and breads for breakfast.  As usual, there was a variety of meats, cheeses, eggs, jams yogurts, fruit, etc. on the table, in addition to juice and coffee.  There was nothing more that Gail and I could have possibly asked for.  After breakfast we all took a walk into the town of Gossau browsed at some shops and stopped in a few grocery stores.  I love going into grocery stores in other countries, to see the variety of food as well as the way things are displayed and packaged.  The chocolate aisle alone could make your eyes pop ………… fantastic varieties of wonderful Swiss chocolate.  I stopped into a Volkswagen dealer in town to browse the cars and was very surprised at how expensive the vehicles were; a lot more than in the United States. Once we complete our shopping, we returned to the Giger home for some relaxation.  The past three days we spent partying in Munich, so this was a perfect day to just chill out and relax.  In the afternoon we played a variety of board games, had some great laughs and talked about life and the world.  For dinner, Eliane prepared a typical Swiss raclette dinner.  The dinner was excellent, and as good as it was when Eliane made us raclette when we visited them in 2007.  The rest of the evening was more relaxing, chatting and laughing with good friends!
 We have had an incredible week with the Giger family and are very sad to be leaving them.  They have treated us like family and they could not have done more to make Gail and I comfortable. We had so much fun together and are hoping they will soon visit us in the states.  It is hard to believe that tomorrow we are picking up our rental car and heading to the Black Forest in Germany and then onto the Alsace-Lorraine area of France.  Time goes on so fast!!

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Great selection of produce 
Horse meat in supermarket

Raclette dinner prepared by Eliane

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